Every Single Break

Hello there, how wonderful to see you here. Welcome!

Thank you for joining my talk at the "Every Single Day Summit" on 1 February 2021! I sincerely hope you enjoyed the talk and learned something insightful and practical to encorporate into your day!

Changing a habit is never easy. We tend to try it with willpower but how does that work when 95% of our decisions are made subconsiously?
Mindfulness in it's simplest form is pure attention training. And through becoming more attentive, or more aware, we can make the subconsious more conscious. How cool is that?

And that way, taking breaks will be a conscious act at first - but becomes an automatic habit after time. Who wouldn't want more healthy habits? I do!

Simply Unplug - Website banner Summit Bradley small - Every Single Break

Please click on the link to sign up for receiving the Quick Reference Card about types of breaks to take. This way you have all your essential breaks right at your fingertips!

By signing up to receive the QRC, you will automatically sign up for my newsletter. I don't like spam myself, so I will send at most 6 newsletters per year - to share insights, transformation tips, event updates and other informative and useful items.

And don't worry - if you are moving on and making space in your inbox: unsubscribing is a click away!

As I mentioned in the talk, I am a mindfulness trainer and of course this means I deliver training in mindfulness! Duh! 🙂

I would love to support you further with my upcoming 8-week mindfulness course. It's delivered in English, via Zoom, and will include 2 hours of class every week (with at least one meditation, theory & exercises), home practice with free guided meditations and a retreat day to deepen your understanding of the benefits of mindfulness. The whole course helps you to fill your toolbox which allows you to make mindfulness work for you in any given moment!

And don't forget to add your summit discount code [ESD_Breaks2021] for a 15% discount on the course fee!

Simply Unplug - Banner website check out course - Every Single Break

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Unplug: rust, ruimte en ontspanning door mindfulness kan ook dicht bij huis en zelfs op kantoor.

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Aangesloten bij Vereniging Mindfulness Based Trainers Nederland en Vlaanderen. Categorie 1.



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